Line Tweet logoFeaturesBenefitsHow it works
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Big impact, small digital footprint.

Connect your legacy store IT with your eCommerce – and utilize true omnichannel benefits

Increase your store efficiency and decrease waiting times with our smart integration of walk-in and appointment customer flow

Ideally, match resource needs and limitations with our AI-based personal planning

Tablet showing the user interface of Line Tweet's instore management system.


Big impact, small digital footprint.

Tablet showing the user interface of Line Tweet's instore management system.

Connect your legacy store IT with your eCommerce – and utilize true omnichannel benefits

Increase your store efficiency and decrease waiting times with our smart integration of walk-in and appointment customer flow

Ideally, match resource needs and limitations with our AI-based personal planning


What FindMe can do for you

No more guessing: FindMe lets your store staff know which customers need help – and where they can find them

Create first-class moments: FindMe gives your customers perfect shopping experiences

Illustration of ringing FindMe tag.


What FindMe can do for you.

No more guessing: FindMe lets your store staff know which customers need help – and where they can find them

Create first-class moments: FindMe gives your customers perfect shopping experiences

Benefits for

Your Business

We give you remarkable shopping experiences with cross-channel personalization

You can now strengthen your brand by offering the worldwide innovation FindMe that brings the next-level of excitement to your customers

You can significantly increase your profit by optimized customer management

Our smart statistics let you instantly calculate your overall store performance and help you discover your potential

We tailor our software to perfection for your unique business requirement

Benefits for

Your Customers

Your customers feel that they are attentively advised and in good hands

They can enjoy a smooth and relaxed in-store experience

Even waiting times turn productive when being transparent and being used effectively

Every customer gets individual support whenever and wherever needed

Smooth and relaxed in-store experience

Waiting time is transparent and can be used effectively

Feel attentively advised and in good hands

Feel attentively advised and in good hands

Less frustration

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Smooth and relaxed in-store experience

Waiting time is transparent and can be used effectively

Feel attentively advised and in good hands

Feel attentively advised and in good hands

Less frustration

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Benefits for


Increase your profit by optimized customer management

Calculate overall store potential by smart statistics

Branded and customized software solotions for your every-day needs

Immediate intergration into your existing enviroment or as stand-alone solution

Provideing personalized shopping expreience with cross-channel customer analysis

Track, contact and assist your customers with added flexibility through FindMe tags.

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"Mit der Digitalen Warteliste können wir die Wartezeiten für unsere Kunden besser organisieren und damit die Kundenzufriedenheit unmittelbar steigern."

Stefan Wolk
Director E-Commerce / Sales & Digital Innovation, Fielmann Group AG


We, behind LineTweet

Portrait of the founders.
Miro Bogdanovic
CEO & Founder
ex CEO Mercedes-Benz Innovation Lab
Viraj Tank
CTO & Founder
ex Chief Architect of Mercedes App
Signatory Of
Charta der Vielfalt logo

Contact us.

Create unique and joyful shopping experiences for your customers.

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Contact us.

Create unique and joyful shopping experiences for your customers.

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